
Cottonwood Coop Oil Co. began providing agronomy services for our patrons as commercial fertilizer and agricultural chemicals were being introduced in the 1950’s, and those services have evolved into a major portion of the cooperative’s sales. We have a long history of providing the best possible products, equipment, facilities, and employees to meet your needs and improve your profitability. We strive to be proactive and progressive, and we have over 27 years of experience in precision agriculture application with variable rate dry and anhydrous ammonia fertilizer application. We recently increased our dry fertilizer storage and blending capacity to 13,000 tons and three tower blenders. We added a new 20,000 sq. ft. liquid bulk chemical and fertilizer facility and a new bulk seed handling and treating system.

To help you utilize these services fully and efficiently, we develop an annual individualized crop production plan with each grower. Our agronomy recommendations are always based on sound agronomic and economic principles that are mutually beneficial to both you and Cottonwood Coop. With five staff agronomists, an excellent and experienced application staff, and a firm commitment to integrity we feel prepared to fulfill almost any agronomy needs our growers may have.


  • Soil Sampling
    • Grid, Zone, or Composite
  • Custom Application
    • Anhydrous Ammonia – Chisel Plow or 20” bar with Nitrogen Inhibitors Variable Rate
    • Custom Blended Fertilizer, Custom Seed Spreading
    • Pre-Emerge, Post-Emerge, and Insecticide Spraying
    • Aerial Application for chemicals
  • Tailor-made Farm Plans and Maps
  • Scouting
  • Financing Options
  • Multi-Brand Platform for Chemicals
  • Impregnated Fertilizer
  • Liquid Bulk Facility
    • Fast and easy load times
    • Dual Bay, Drive-thru loading area
    • Hot-Mix Soygreen
    • Mini-Bulk tanks provided to each individual
  • On Farm Delivery
    • Liquid Fertilizer
    • Chemicals
    • Dry Fertilizer
    • Anhydrous Ammonia Tanks
  • LP Tank Fill Station


Agronomy Staff

The Agronomy Center Phone number is (507) 423-6252.